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Conference 2005
Si terra a Bruxelles la Conferenza di ETRA dal titolo: “Innovation and profitability: Tyre recycling in the UE”. In questa sede, esperti e rappresentanti governativi dei paesi dell’Unione, discuteranno i possibili scenari del mercato a fronte di un panorama del mondo del recupero che si muove tra applicazioni tradizionali e forti spinte tecnologico-innovative. L’incontro e finalizzato ad un complessivo confronto ed un aperto dibattito sui delicati aspetti ambientali dei materiali provenienti dal recupero degli pneumatici usati, sulle sue prospettive commerciali, sulle innovazioni teconologiche, sulle nuove applicazioni. Il Consorzio ARGO interverra con una sezione di lavoro inerente l'utilizzo del granulo nelle superfici sportive.
Conference 2005

Innovation and profitability : Tyre recycling in the EU

Wednesday through Saturday, 2 - 5 March 2005

The 2005 Conference has been redesigned to reflect the evolving balance between commercial and environmental considerations. It will highlight how environmentally sound, innovative applications and products are are creating a financially sound and profitable industry. The programme offers a mix of traditional presentations on the current status and continuing progress of recycling in differ-ent EU regions, scientific papers on evolving new technologies and material uses, and both small and large group discussions of the critical issues facing recyclers and systems administrators today.
It will culminate in a half-day Networking and Licensing Fair.Presentations will focus on the issues facing recyclers as we near the deadlines for the second phase of the Landfill Directive and the initial phase of the End-of-Life Vehicle Directive.
Scientific papers will examine some of the persisting environmental concerns sur-rounding the processing and use of post-consumer tyre materials. Greater attention is also being placed on practical commercial issues, options and opportunities that could expand existing mar-kets or otherwise facilitate the sustainable attainment of 100% re-covery.
Government representatives, experts from related indus-tries and recyclers will have an opportunity to openly discuss potential means of working together effectively towards mutual goals.

The Plenary Sessions will focus on the status of tyre recycling in the expanding EU – what is the future? Individual panels will open discussion on some of the key remaining issues facing recyclers in the lead-up to 2006, e.g.,

Sourcing within the context of producer responsibility – how different systems can work together ;
Testing – what are the concerns beyond zinc oxide?
Transparency – are all post-consumer tyres covered?
New market options and existing barriers to use.

Traditional and innovative materials and uses will be presented. Break-out sessions will cover selected topics in greater detail.

Seminar and Workshop sessions will include presentations and practical workshops on materials and uses, including a range of innovative, commercial products and applications.
Each material category will be discussed with illustrations and demonstrations.
A Networking and Licensing Fair will take place on Saturday.
Production networks will be introduced to facilitate members work-ing together in different States for commercial and/or project
pur-poses. Material, process and product licensing opportunities will be presented

Info n° 2 : Inverno 2005


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Conference 2005

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